In addition to this being the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Today is Christ The King Sunday. In the epistle Apostle Paul proclaims,"He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation; for Him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible....He Himself is before all things." Col1 This is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Jeremiah 23:1-6 - The Old Testament Reading
Canticle 4
Colossians 1:11-20 - The New Testament Reading
Luke 23:33-43 - The Gospel
The liturgy, readings and hymns of the day can be found in the bulletin link below.
Jesus for all His power and majesty is also able to humble Himself as He sits with us and hears our cries. We are grateful for His willingness to go to the cross for us all.
We are pleased to welcome all visitors to in person worship, especially those who came from the festival. Thank you for joining us! Welcome to those people watching online. Each Sunday there are a number of people who join us on the web and we want to acknowledge how grateful we are to have you worshiping with us. If this is your first time watching us virtually, Christ Church is located in the historic downtown area in Longwood. For more information visit -
Or come visit us, we would love to welcome you in person.
A huge thank you to the Fall Festival Team and all participants who have worked tirelessly for this year's event. It takes many weeks and long hours to put the event together but it is so rewarding. May God continue to bless your efforts. All funds collected go toward the Christ Church Building Preservation Fund.
The Stewardship Campaign is on the way. The stewardship campaign provides the opportunity to examine your commitment to God. Your pledge is a signal that you understand God's vision and mission for His church. Take a pledge card home and pray over your contribution of time, treasure and talent. Pledge cards are on the website, in the church and parish hall and attached below.
The vestry needs you! If you are interested in being on the vestry, please join the next vestry meeting on Wednesday Nov 16th at 6pm in the parish hall. Please make an appointment to meet with Mother Michelle to discuss your participation in the vestry.
The God at Work Capital Campaign will continue as there is so much to be repaired on the buildings.
The Advent Series - The Case for Christmas will begin next Sunday the First Sunday of Advent. Please join in at fellowship hour.
Only one week left - For the past two years we have collected items for the Sharing Center's Christmas Food Bags. The list of items can be found in the parish hall, the website and the church. Involve your family and friends and make this a family event. Many people want to know how they can help at Christmas time and this is an excellent way to help those facing food scarcity. Please see Lee Crawford for more information.
List for Sharing Center
2 cans of green beans 2 cans of corn 2 boxes scalloped potatoes $10 grocery gift card 1 box stuffing 2 cans of fruit 1 cake mix 1frosting 1jello 1 packet/can turkey 1 bag coffee ground or instant, gravy (No glass jars, please)
Dates to mark on your calendar:
Nov 19-20 - Fall Festival
Nov 23 - Pre-Thanksgiving Service at St Stephen's Lutheran. Mother Michelle is
the Guest Preacher.
Nov 27 -First Sunday of Advent and the Advent Series begins
Nov 28 - Hanging of the Greens
Dec 4 - Return Pledge Cards
Dec 11 - Christmas Caroling to Nursing Homes
A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to all