Lent is a time to "go deeper." I am a fan of Nicodemus. Although he was afraid to let anyone see him with Jesus and thus choose to meet Him at night, Nicodemus's courage and curiosity are to be admired. Let's look at this and more on Sunday.
Genesis 12:1-4a - The Old Testament Reading
Psalm 121
Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 - The New Testament Reading
John 3:1-17 - The Gospel
The liturgy, readings and hymns of the day can be found in the bulletin link below.
Lent is a time to "go deeper." Let's be curious like Nicodemus and ask the tough questions.
We are pleased to welcome all visitors to in person worship; Thank you for joining us! Welcome to those people watching online. Each Sunday there are a number of people who join us on the web and we want to acknowledge how grateful we are to have you worshiping with us. If this is your first time watching us virtually, Christ Church is located in the historic downtown area in Longwood. For more information visit - www.christchurchlongwood.com.
Or come visit us, we would love to welcome you in person.
Thank you to everyone who filled out the Mutual Ministry Survey. The survey will now be compiled and the results will be relayed to you at a later date.
Below is the list for this year's food drive for Longwood Elementary. The drive ends on Sunday. The food will be delivered on Monday March 6. Thank you for your kindness as we do our part to help with the food scarcity in our community of Longwood.
The Spaghetti Dinner will take place on Saturday March 11 from 5-8pm. We are looking for helpers. Please come at 4pm if you are helping to prepare. If you can aid with the clean up, please come at 6pm.
The annual clean up day has been switched to Saturday March 18 starting at 8am. Can you give a few hours to help beautify the grounds at Christ Church?
The God at Work Capital Campaign will continue as there is so much to be repaired on the buildings.
Dates for your Calendar
Mar 11 - Spaghetti Dinner - 4pm
Mar 15 - Vestry Meeting - 6pm
Mar 18 - Clean up Day - 8am
Please continue to keep each other in prayer.