The tax collector, filled with regret, cried out, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." Even in his shame, the tax collector knew God. He knew God could relieve him of the burden he carried and he trusted that God could forgive his sins. The Pharisee on the other hand boasted of his good deeds. He asked nothing of God. Who do you identify with? Come let us discuss.
Please join us!
Joel 2:23-32 - The Old Testament Reading
Psalm 65
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 - The New Testament Reading
Luke 18:9-14 - The Gospel
The liturgy, readings and hymns of the day can be found in the bulletin link below.
In this reversal of righteousness, Jesus prepares us to look beneath the outer layer of a person. For the outer layer does not prepare us for the heart that dwells within.
Allow Jesus' teachings and presence to guide your life.
On this Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday, we remember those brave women who have battled this disease. We are grateful to family and friends who have stood by their side as they went through the various stages and treatments of the disease. May God's strength keep them lifted up and may His love surround them during this time. Regrettably, we have lost many women to the disease and we remember their courageous fight. May they rest in peace and rise in glory. We pray for the researchers who continue to come up with new medications and treatments so that one day this disease will be eradicated.
We are pleased to welcome all visitors to in person worship. Thank you for joining us! Welcome to those people watching online. Each Sunday there are a number of people who join us on the web and we want to acknowledge how grateful we are to have you worshiping with us. If this is your first time watching us virtually, Christ Church is located in the historic downtown area in Longwood. For more information visit -
Or come visit us, we would love to welcome you in person.
Are your weekly pledges up to date? At last week's vestry meeting, the bookkeeper informed us that September's contributions were much less than expected. There is still time to get your pledges up to date. If you would like to receive a more recent record of your giving, please contact Melissa in the office.
The vestry is calling a special meeting on Sunday Nov 6 to discuss the 2023 budget. Please keep your vestry in prayer as they discern the mission and vision for Christ Church.
Roof Pro's is scheduled to begin the roof replacement over the "L" shaped building on Monday October 24th. Please continue your support of the God at Work Capital Campaign. No amount is too small!
Please remember to sign up for Sunday lunches. Join with friends and family or ministries may also sponsor a Sunday.
There will be a planning meeting for the Fall Festival on Sunday Oct 30 following the service. If you have not already done so, please sign up to bring in a casserole and to work a shift on Saturday and Sunday. Invite your family and friends in to help us. We need all hands on deck.
We are still looking for items for Granny's Attic. Bring any gently used items or trinkets you would love to give away.
Believe it or not, Christmas will soon be here. For the past two years we have collected items for the Sharing Center's Christmas Food Bags. The list of items can be found in the parish hall, the website and the church. Involve your family and friends and make this a family event. Many people want to know how they can help at Christmas time and this is an excellent way to help those facing food scarcity. Please see Lee Crawford for more information.
Dates to mark on your calendar.
Oct 23 - Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday
Oct 30 - Youth Service
Oct 30 - Fall Festival Meeting
Nov 6 - All Saints Sunday
Nov 6- Special meeting of the vestry
Nov 19-20 - Fall Festival
Please continue to keep each other and the church in prayer.