In the middle of Advent we are given a reprieve to rejoice. We rejoice that Mary has consented to be the God bearer and will give birth to this wonderful counselor, the Prince of Peace. Let us therefore rejoice to behold His coming.
Isaiah 35:1-10 The Old Testament Reading
Canticle 15 - The Song of Mary
James 5:7-10 - The New Testament Reading
Matthew 11:2-11 - The Gospel
The liturgy, readings and hymns of the day can be found in the bulletin link below.
In the gospel Jesus asked the crowd, "What then did you go out to see? And I ask you what are you waiting to see, what are you waiting for? I pray it is for the babe in the manger. A babe who will come into the world to save the world, not to condemn it. So let us wait with anticipation for the babe who will stir us up!
We are pleased to welcome all visitors to in person worship. Thank you for joining us! Welcome to those people watching online. Each Sunday there are a number of people who join us on the web and we want to acknowledge how grateful we are to have you worshiping with us. If this is your first time watching us virtually, Christ Church is located in the historic downtown area in Longwood. For more information visit -
Or come visit us, we would love to welcome you in person.
Ann Cooper a former member of the church who provides us with those beautiful quilts for the fall festival, called to say she loves you and misses you especially at holiday time.
Please join us on Sunday afternoon for caroling at the nursing homes. It is such a beautiful ministry. Invite family and friends to join us. Meet in the parking lot at 3:30pm for carpooling. We will return to a supper of soup, bread and desserts!
Thank you everyone who gave in their pledge cards last Sunday. It is not too late to get your pledge cards in for 2023. Please continue to pray on how you will serve God with your time, talent and treasure. A pledge card is attached below and can also be accessed on the website at then click on Give.
There are still vacancies on the vestry. If you are interested in being on the vestry, please make an appointment to meet with Mother Michelle to discuss your participation in the vestry.
The God at Work Capital Campaign will continue as there is so much to be repaired on the buildings.
The Advent Series - The Case for Christmas continues.
We would like to wish God's blessings and safe travels to Elaine Dyson as she prepares to relocate to Chicago. Elaine will be missed not only for her involvement in several ministries but also as a friend, a helper in sickness and a confidant to us all. Elaine Godspeed until we meet again. Elaine will be returning to the area as she finishes up her business here and for vacation.
Help us to decorate the altar area with poinsettia! Poinsettia can be given in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for someone or something. Please fill out the sheet at the back of the church. Cost for each poinsettia is $10.00.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
Dec 11 - Christmas Caroling to Nursing Homes - CarPool 3:30pm
Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Service 10pm Caroling, 10:30 pm Service
Dec 25 - Christmas Day - NO SUNDAY SERVICE
Dec 26 - Christmas Day Observed - Church Office Closed
Jan 1 - Sunday Service - 10am
Jan 2- New Year's Day Observed - Church Office Closed
Jan 15 - First Responders Service - See flyer attached
Jan 22 - Annual Parish Meeting - 11:45am during fellowship hour
Do you have updates on those we have been praying for? How may we pray for you?