Awakening to God Within Us

Mother Michelle is on vacation this week but her weekly reflections are so looked forward to that something needed to be sent!

This reflection is from Advent Expectation: Through Advent with Henri J.M. Nouwen

"You know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers." (Romans 13:11)

The practice of contemplative prayer is the discipline by which we begin to see God in our heart. It is a careful attentiveness to him who dwells in the center of our being such that through the recognition of his presence we allow him to take possession of all our senses.

Through the discipline of prayer we awaken ourselves to the God in us and let him enter into our heartbeat and our breathing, into our thoughts and emotions, our hearing, seeing, touching, and tasting. It is by being awake to this God in us that we can see him in the world around us. The great mystery of the contemplative life is not that we see God in the world, but that God within us recognizes God in the world. God speaks to God, Spirit speaks to Spirit, heart speaks to heart.

Contemplation, therefore, is a participation in this divine self recognition. It is the divine Spirit praying in us who makes our world transparent and opens our eyes to the presence of the divine Spirit in all that surrounds us. It is with our heart of hearts that we see the heart of the world. This explains the intimate relationship between contemplation and ministry.

Jesus, speak to my heart so that I may know your presence within me always.

Please enjoy some recent photos of the progress of the church restoration. The bell tower is getting a much needed overhaul. As with construction, there were some unexpected issues and new things discovered. Christ Church is so grateful for your support of the Capital Campaign last year which allowed the repair work to begin. If you are so inclined and able, please consider a contribution to Christ Church's ongoing Capital Campaign. For your convenience, click the Give link below for online giving.


Stay well. Be healthy. Keep praying!

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