Trust Jesus to Walk On

The Collect for the upcoming Sunday says "Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts."

How great is your trust in God? in Jesus?  

There is a humorous story told in the Book of Numbers chapter 22 about a seer called Balaam and his donkey. Balak, the king of the Moab, wants Balaam to put a curse on the people of Israel because they are too numerous. While we have this story of a talking donkey, behind it is a story of trust and obedience. It is really too long to put in this email. I highly recommend you read the story in Numbers 22:1- 40. Try - read the bible - audio bible

 " 20 That night God came to Balaam and said to him, “If the men have come to summon you, get up and go with them; but do only what I tell you to do.”

Balaam is obedient but God appears upset with Balaam for going with the officials from Moab.

Perhaps there is more going on here than meets the eye. Perhaps God saw Balaam's heart was leaning towards Balak. God along with His angels tests Balaam's obedience. And Balaam is not at all pleased. But after God opened his eyes, he was truly able to see what was in front of him.

Sometimes it is difficult to know,  am I hearing God? Am I hearing correctly?

Sometimes our eyes and our hearts are closed to God. And it takes a talking donkey and angels God puts in our way, to wake us up.

Is there something you have closed your eyes to today? Is your heart completely open to God? to Jesus? Our faith builds our trust in God and His Son Jesus Christ. Each day as we make our prayers, open your eyes to see what God has already done in your lives. It is all there before you. We don't achieve on our own, God has given us abilities, talents; he has sent angels in the form of people - family, friends, doctors, bosses, the unexpected person to help us through the day. He even sends a donkey every now and again. Keep your eyes focus on Jesus and trust in Him.

Remember you do not walk alone! Trust in God with your whole heart!

Enjoy Andre Rieu - You'll never walk alone!  

Walk on, walk on
With hope (and trust) in your heart
And you'll never walk alone