What are you wishing for?

Sharing Thoughts

There is a fable called "The Three Wishes" which I am sure most people have read or heard. The bottom line in this fable is that a couple is given three wishes and are so foolish that they end up wasting all three. The last one is made through necessity to undo the first two stupid wishes. It pays to think before we ask for something - because we might get it!

Solomon knew the kind of thing to ask for. He asked for wisdom, thus pleasing the Lord.

I have sometimes asked myself, "if I could ask for one thing, what would it be?" I think I would choose kindness. How it lifts our spirits and gives us the feeling to go on when someone is kind to us. Our own spirits are lifted when we are kind to others. Recently we met a young mechanic who was very kind to us when our car broke down. Because of this, a situation that could have been very difficult wasn't bad at all. One of the characteristics of Jesus that make us love Him so, was His great kindness toward people.

Perhaps it would be wise to pray this kind of prayer:

Lord, help me to have a gentle touch,

Help me to have a sensitive heart,

Help me to give a soft answer,

Help me to know how to lighten someone's burden,

In His Name, Amen.

Sue Russell

Indeed, what would you ask for, if you had one wish. I know most of us would ask for money to live comfortably for the rest of our lives. Some may wish for good health, a good job, a house, a car; the list could go on and on. I am not sure any would ask for discernment or wisdom. Yet this is what Solomon asked for. " 8 And your servant is in the midst of the people whom you have chosen, a great people, so numerous they cannot be numbered or counted. 9 Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?”

The wish we make should be based on the circumstances we are encountering in life. Faced with the overwhelming task of governing a large nation of people, Solomon asked for attributes which could assist him.

My friends, ask for discernment from our wise God so as to make well thought out choices. We can only do so if we are in prayer and in a right relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ.

What are you wishing for today? As Sue said, be careful what you ask for, for you just might get it!!

Immortal Invisible God only wise - Enjoy!


Be kind! Be wise!