An Interview with God

If you had to talk with God this very moment what would you say to Him? HELP!

I don’t know about you, but life seems a bit discombobulated. It seems fragmented, out of sorts. There just seems to be so much happening all at one time. This “in between" time we are in as we move slowly away from a semi lockdown due to Covid 19, has left me with as much anxiety as when we were going into lockdown.

The cost of buying basic necessities is high. Of course that is if we can find the items. Many products we purchased so easily before are now slow in getting to the store shelves due to the layoffs of many workers and it is taking time to rehire workers. One group of people who are not jumping to be rehired, are women who are responsible for childcare. School is out for the summer and with a lack of summer camps and daycares, parents are feeling the brunt of what to do.

Airlines find themselves unable to keep up with the demand for seats as people swam to “get out of dodge.” Tempers are flaring and behavior is deteriorating.  What a mess!

But as much as I would like to despair, I remember speaking to you on Sunday about the powerful and miraculous power of God as seen in the story of David and Goliath and also in the story of Jesus calming the raging sea.

Today, you may be facing your own giant or raging sea. And you may look around and feel alone. But may I remind you that God is able to do infinitely more than we ask or imagine.  During our raging seas, God walks beside us, he faithfully holds our hand and carries us along the way.

This “in between” stage will go on for some time to come, so we need to be patient and gentle with ourselves, our families and friends. I leave you with these two short verses from Sunday’s readings.

David said, “Let no one’s heart fail”

Jesus said, “Peace Be still”

I hope this has reassured you as it has me. Recently I was going through the emails of a dear friend who passed away and found the images below in an “Interview with God.” God is always present with His creation, never for one moment doubt He is not with us.  Enjoy – Interview with God.

Interview With God