God is Still Gracious

The severity of the Covid 19 pandemic really hit home for me when in person worship services were canceled March 15, 2020 At first, it appeared the services would only be canceled until the end of March. Then a further communication from the Diocesan Office suspended in person worship indefinitely. I have to admit, I was stunned. I have been in church every Sunday for many years. The practice of regular worship is ingrained in my psyche. Easter Sunday was such a strange day for me!!

The question I faced was this, how do I get a service out to you with each of you in your homes? In doing some research, I realized that many priests were making audio recordings of their sermons. Well I could you that. I added music and prayers to the audio recordings.

From there we started experimenting with video and then recorded the services for Youtube. To say it has been a learning curve for me is putting it mildly. But I am glad I pushed myself out there.

Below you will find the first reflection I sent out to you last year after our world was brought to its knees. It was a time like no other. There was nothing in our history which showed us the way we ought to behave.

However there were some things we had;

1. We had each other to lean on

2. We had our faith

3. We had God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

I have learned quite a bit and so have you. We have learned how to live under a cloud of adversity. It is only by God's grace that we have mastered this wave. If it is one thing we have learned, it is how to evangelize to other people to let them know of the goodness of God. Continue to let others know. We have wanted to take church outside the walls of the church and we have a grand opportunity to do so. Please share the links for the services with family and friends. Let them receive what you receive - God's graciousness and love.

As I look back on last year, I ponder anew what the Almighty can do. Remain faithful to God and His Jesus Christ.

My friends as the cloud is beginning to lift, we must still be vigilant and continue to adhere to the CDC guidelines.

May the Lord bless you and keep you! Stay safe!

From March 23, 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

This is the day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

We rejoice because we awoke to another day filled with God's unlimited blessings.

Below is a link to a beautiful song that I pray will lift your spirits this morning.


Psalm 34 tells us "Many are the troubles of the righteous,

but the Lord will deliver him out of them all."

To God be the Glory! Amen