Count Our Blessings

For many of us it is difficult to count our blessings. The caustic atmosphere in which we are living leaves us longing for comfort and peace.

Sue Russell is going to share with us again this week, how she and her family so appreciated everything they had. Both she and her mom concluded, "we were indeed rich, we just didn't have any money."

Here is Sharing Thoughts by Sue Russell - parishioner

"There is a thought in the scriptures that expresses the idea that it is a blessing not to be too rich or too poor. I think that was us - although I think we were a little on the poor side. I remember my Mom and I discussing our circumstances at the time we were living in an old farmhouse in the country. At this time my sister had a horse and he was able to keep her in the farmer's barn and put her in the pasture. We could not afford a horse, but it was important that she have one as it had always been her heart's desire. We also had a dog, a cat who had four kittens, fish and a turtle. We didn't have much money, but we had a home. My Mom and I decided we were rich, we just didn't have any money! We also did not realize at that time how rich we were.

It seems it is in looking back that one realizes how blessed certain times are. Little things that might mean nothing today are stuck in my memory as special little things. My Dad was a music teacher and I heard beautiful music all of my life. He also had a beautiful voice and I remember him singing. Even as a child I knew there was something special about the music I was hearing.

We moved around a lot and no matter where we lived - usually in a rented half a house or upper flat - sometimes big and sometimes small, sometimes nice and sometimes not so nice - my Mom could always make a home out of it. She must have been so discouraged sometimes packing and unpacking and trying to make something homey out of poor circumstances. But, in a few days there were curtains on the windows, furniture in place, dishes in the cupboard and we were home.

We did not have a lot of material things, but we had what we needed. God provided us with enough to eat and clothes to wear, friends and the ability to deal with whatever circumstances we found ourselves in. My parents were people with standards and boundaries. We knew what was expected of us. My Mom loved the Lord and did her best to teach us to do so also. I have come to the conclusion now, that I am much older, that material things do not happiness make. I have to smile when I think of the conclusion my Mom and I came to - we were indeed rich, we just didn't have any money! Susan Russell

Matthew 6 reassures us of God's provision. Do not worry!

Enjoy this beautiful rendition of Count your many blessings

May counting your blessings lift you out of the miry clay!