God is great. God is good.

God is great, God is good is a reflection submitted by Sue Russell, a member of our congregation. Sue shares her thoughts on how God works everything out.

Here is Sharing Thoughts by Sue

"Sometimes things come together in such unexpected ways. I was wondering what to write and nothing was coming to mind. Then one phrase kept repeating in my mind: "God is great, God is good." It is the first two lines from a children's prayer that I remember children saying years ago. In fact

they said it in my friend's first grade class before they had their little snack.

Then this morning while reading the comics I saw in "Family Circus" where the older brother was telling the younger brother, "It's okay to pray for

for something little Jeffy, Everything's little for God." What a mind boggling spiritual truth that is!

How very simple these ideas are - out of the mouths of babes! What peace it would bring us to truly  believe in all instances that, "God is great God is good," and to believe when we pray, "everything's little to God." Sometimes life seems overwhelming and it seems there is no solution to troubles.  We

can think of no way to correct things that have happened and we stand helplessly by. That might be a good time to remember God can bring victory out of the worst circumstances and "God is great, God is good" and "everything's little to God."  Susan Russell.

Below you will find a video that truly exemplifies the spiritual truth of "God is great, God is good." The video was submitted by Ginger Norsworthy.   

As Sue wrote, "things come together in such unexpected ways!

May you see God all around you and in your prayers.